Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Apple M0110 Keyboard CPU replacement - part #1

My friend Jim bought an Apple Macintosh at the Vintage Computer Festival Midwest on Saturday. It's got a bad keyboard. The keyboard has a bad Intel 8021 CPU.

I need to replace that chip. It's going to take wayyyy more time that I'm used to dumping into a project successfully.  This is part of my process to push myself forward.

So far I've:

  • Searched for an 8048 series disassembler, found none
  • Downloaded the 8048 series manual from BitSavers
  • Decided to write an 8021 specific disassembler in pascal
  • Started a Lazarus project in my C:\res21 folder
  • Published the above to an MIT licensed GitHub repository
Let's see how this goes.

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