Sunday, October 17, 2010

Augsburg Svenska Skola

Augsburg Svenska Skola
Originally uploaded by --Mike--
A few years ago I stumbled across this building by accident. I've been trying to find it every chance I get when I'm in the area.

Today I managed to find a park ranger who knew of it, and gave me accurate directions.

Here's the text on the marker to the left of the building.

"This structure served as the first school for children of Swedish immigrants that settled in this area in the late 1840s.
In 1885 when the county public school was built nearby, the building was turned over to the Augsburg Evangelical Lutheran church whose members and friends have preserved this early landmark.
The building and its contents are in the national historic land site registry in Washington DC and in recognition of its value a record has been placed in the library of Congress."

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