President Trump delivered a speech at the National Archives.
From the transcript, it sounds like a good speech... and 2 out of 3 isn't bad for Trump. Antifascism and Antiracism, the twin faces of left extremism need to go.
We should teach History in school, instead of Myth. We can be proud of who we are, and how we've always strived as a people, to do better.... but we're not perfect, and we never were.
Let's skip the propagandist fairy tales of a perfect past, and instead tell the truth, to warn the next generation of all the things that can go wrong, so the can be better prepared when it happens again.
The history of America wasn't inevitable, nor was it a miracle.... it was the result of countless people who strove to make America better, in spite of her flaws. Our ideals, Liberty and Justice for All, are what make this nation great, and our common belief in those ideals are what will continue to make America the shining city on the hill, the light of Democracy and Government of the People, shining over the rest of the world.
I pledge allegiance,
to Liberty, and Justice,
for All.
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