Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Productivity Tips

Giving up on WxBuilder and Python for a project, and switching to Lazarus saved me boatloads of time getting a GUI application built.

GIT/GitHub is way better than making ZIP files of source code and saving them to floppy disks.

Looking things up on Google is way better than Altavista, or a trip to the book store.

Turbo Pascal was way better than GWbasic

MS-DOS is way easier to deal with than having to write your own BIOS for CP-M

Floppy disks are way better than paper tape or punch cards.

If you do have to punch cards, have them auto-sequenced at column 73, Fortran will ignore it, and you can use a card sorter should they get dropped. Also, put a line diagonally down the side of the stack, should you have to sort them by hand.

Charles Babbage has designed a "difference engine" that can compute many of the commonly used references by the power of steam!

Gutenberg has made the copy and distribution of texts much easier than older manual processes for large numbers of duplicates.

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