Saturday, July 02, 2022

We need to do a hard thing

 We do need to do a hard thing, we need to reconfigure our world to cope with the end of the one time greatest economic bonanza of all times... the fossil fuel pulse.

If you think I'm about to go on about global warming/climate change/etc... NOPE

We've tapped most of the easy to reach oil in the world. Now we're fracking to get at things, and those wells have decay rates of 40%/year, instead of per decade.  If we stopped all drilling, we'd have 40% less oil next year from all the new wells. (Or so I've been lead to believe. It's my opinion that we've got 20 years, at the outside to complete this project)

The new shockingly high fuel costs? They're here to stay, no matter who "runs the country". They stopped building new refineries in the 1970s, because they knew this day was coming, and it didn't make sense to build more capacity for an industry they knew was heading to a peak. The only surprise was that some things broke faster than planned.

Our civilization depends on a resource in decline. All the people at the top have zero clue as to how to actively manage the situation. We, the people, have to start from the grass roots and figure this out ourselves.

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