Friday, March 11, 2022

Here's what a "No Fly Zone" over Ukraine really means

a "no fly" zone involves acquiring and maintaining air superiority over Ukraine and neighboring territory. To do this we would have to destroy any surface to air radar and missile sites in or near Ukraine. We would also have to shoot down any enemy aircraft that violated that airspace.

In sum total, it would be a declaration of war against Belarus and Russia.

It would then be up to Putin to decide if, where and when he wants to deploy the worlds largest stockpile of ThermoNuclear weapons.

Likely it would take about 15 minutes to confirm any launch, after which there might be a few minutes left to let the public know to make peace with God.

Your personal outcome at that point, depends on preparation and luck:

A> You've felt the blast, and are going to die, maybe in seconds, maybe in days

B> You've seen the flash, and if you take cover soon enough, can survive the fallout, might survive and watch the total collapse of civilization.

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