Sunday, February 06, 2022

I reject the Left and the Right

We, the people, in order to form a more perfect union, recognized that in order to have a well informed population, capable of intelligently governing itself, must have a freedom of the press, and freedom of expression.

We saw the dangers of Nazi book burning, and rightly teach in school that is something that open and free societies do not do.

We saw the dangers of an official press, such as Pravda, in the Soviet Union, and we rightly agree that a free press, and freedom of expression are a cornerstone of the American Identity. They are a foundation of our strength, and not a weakness.

Now I see friends who support one or the other of these forms of censorship. 

Conservatives support the banning of teaching students history and other truths that are hard for their parents to come to terms with.

Liberals who want to set up an official truth, a new American Ministry of Truth, with Fauci at its head, which must never be questioned, lest the plague caused by the unclean, sub-human, enemy be brought to the good, Covid fearing, Woke masses.

I reject both the Woke Left, and the Trump as Fuhrer Right.

Don't you dare call me either, this is MY Country, the United States of America. We're quite capable of sorting out shit on our own through fierce debate among free citizens. It is our duty to stand up, and call out those who would shackle us.

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