Thursday, December 16, 2010

The end of the internet as we knew it.

Cloud computing suddenly has a dark future, taking what may be a mortal blow thanks to the Wikileaks censorship by Amazon.

Yahoo is killing off delicious, a seriously good social bookmarking site.

Yahoo may next kill off Flickr, if their track record is any guide, they have no clue how to create value on the internet.

Facebook is just one big flytrap for personal information.

There was a big migration to hosted services on the internet.... and this was allowing everyone to ignore the asymmetric model of access being slide under our noses... but no longer.

If you want your kids and future generations to have a voice at all in the future... here are some things you need to learn about.

  • Net neutrality means that everyone should be able to host their own stuff, create new services, and have them equally accessible from anywhere on the net. It is not a communist plot to deprive ISPs from profit.
  • If you can't run your own servers, you don't have free speech... its worth a few bucks to have freedom.
  • Computing Security can be fixed... it requires a new model of security called Capability Based Security, or also known as the "principle of least privilege".  If you have this model in place, you'll never need a virus scanner ever again.
  • Wikileaks is not evil... they didn't break any laws... those who denounce them are the ones you have to worry about if you value your liberty.
  • If you want to share photos with your family... you should be able to do it with your own hardware and an internet connection.... nobody else should be required as middlemen.
Things are changing... power is being re-distributed back to the people who chose to take it back, one small piece at a time.

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