- Anonymous posting will be prohibited
- Tags will replace the hierarchy of groups
- Digital Signatures will prevent forgery
- All posts will have URIs so we can still link to them.
- We still won't be able to markup hypertext. (a pet peeve)
- Data will be streamed instead of batch mode.
There were a lot of things to like about Usenet
- Push model saved bandwidth
- Aggregation was built in
- Group hierarchies helped increase signal to noise
- It was federated from the start
- Binary attachments were supported
I just joined Newsdemon.com for my Usenet access and I have to say, in my 7 years of jumping from several Usenet providers, Newsdemon is one of the first that I have seen that actually filters most of the email spam that plagues and frustrates Usenet. Might want to check it out.